Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Published in this Journal
01 March 1954
Control of Noise and Crosstalk on N1 Carrier Systems, A.I.E.E. Trans., C o m m u n . & Electronics, 9, pp. 605-611, N o v . , 1953. BENEDICT, T. S. Microwave Observation of the Collision Frequency of Holes in G e r m a n i u m , Letter to the E d i t o r , Phys. R e v . , 91, p p . 1565-1566, Sept. 15, 1953. BENNETT, W . Telephone System Applications of Recorded Machine Announcem e n t s , Elec. E n g . , 72, p p . 975-980, N o v . , 1953. Applications of voice-recording equipment discussed in some detail can be divided into four general groups: Announcements made directly to and providing a service to subscribers, such as weather forecasts and the time of day; announcements to assist subscribers in connection with telephone service, that is, intercept announcements when an individual calls a vacant or disconnected terminal, or emergency announcements if an unusual condition prevents normal service; announcements to expedite service and assist operators in completing calls, including completion of calls from a dial to a non-dial phone, and advising operators of the time delay for completing long distance calls; and specialized announcement or recording services, such as price quotation and ticket reservation. * Certain of these papers are available as Bell System Monographs and may be obtained on request to the publication Department, Hell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 463 West Street, New York 14, N. Y. For papers available in this form, the monograph number is given in parentheses following the date of publication, and this number should be given in all requests.