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Network as a Service-A Demo on 5G Network Slicing

09 December 2016

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5G mobile networks have to support a huge number of different service types such as health, automotive, logistics, energy, and public safety. A one-size-fits-all solution like it exists today that delivers all the services to every device everywhere in the network is not a viable option. Network slicing allows to offer programmable network instances, which match the requirements of the individual use cases, subscriber types, and applications. Within a slice, network functions and elements can be instantiated according to the specific service demands such as ultra-low latency, massive IoT, or dense broadband. This demo presents 5G network slicing using the example of a health insurance provider. The health service includes the use of a smart wearable for the customer with a specific traffic pattern. A tailored-to-fit network slice enables the health provider to connect these smart devices efficiently to the cloud.