No. 1 ESS Apparatus and Equipment
01 September 1964
The goal throughout the Xo. 1 electronic switching system (ESS) development 1 was to achieve the highly standardized modular design which will he most economical to engineer, manufacture, install, operate, maintain, and administer. As a result, No. 1 ESS uses a limited variety of frames as building blocks and relies on a generic stored program to provide most office-to-office variations. The system represents a giant step forward in combining versatility and flexibility with standardization in switching systems. This advance in the switching art comes at a most appropriate time. .Many of the earliest dial offices are nearing retirement age, and most of them are in buildings too full of equipment to accommodate replacing units of crossbar equipment. No. 1 ESS will avoid the cost of establishing new wire centers in new buildings in these cases. The installation of a first Xo. 1 ESS which is to serve as a replacement for existing equipment can be made in a toe-hold of as little as 2000 square feet of floor space. This can ordinarily be made available. This first installation will replace two 2355