Parabolic quantum wells with the GaAs-Al(x)Ga(1-x)As system.
01 January 1984
Photoluminescence measurements at 5K on wafers containing parabolic quantum wells fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy with the GaAs-Al(0.3)Ga(0.7)As system reflect harmonic oscillator- like electron and hole levels. The many observed heavy hole transitions can be fit accurately with a model that divides the energy gap discontinuity delta E(g) equally between the conduction and valence band wells. This is in marked contrast to the usual delta E(c)=0.85 delta E(g) and delta E(v)=0.15 delta E(g) generally assumed for square wells. Experiment and theory show that parabolic wells can lead to parity allowed delta n=2 ("forbidden") transitions with strengths greater than that of nearby delta n=O ("allowed") transitions.