Phosphorus Doping of DADBS-Silicon Oxide.
01 January 1986
Phosphorus can be incorporated into DADBS silicon oxide at an oven temperature of 495C by adding trimethyl phosphite to the gas stream of diacetoxyditertiarybutoxysilane and oxygen. The P-DADBS-oxide deposits 1.5 to 2 times more rapidly than the undoped oxide, has a higher (~1.475) index of refraction than the undoped material (~1.44), has a lower tensile intrinsic and room temperature stress, and can be deposited to a depth of at least 2micron without cracking. The phosphorus content of the oxide is proportional to the trimethyl phosphite content in the gas stream. The role of oxygen is less critical in that at a 3.3 sccm flow of phosphite and no added oxygen, phosphorus is still introduced into the film. NO. Attachments missing.