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The architectural evolution of telecommunications network management systems

03 May 2010

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Telecommunications Network Management Systems ( TNMSs) have had to respond to enormous change, as telecommunication networks have changed from the early (digital) timeframe of being ISDN based, (devoted dominantly to voice), to the current timeframe, providing diverse services of data, voice, video, along with a very different business environment. The goal of this paper is to understand the probable impact of changes required, in order to then understand how current TNMSs are able to respond to the changes, and thus to evolve to the delivery of future services. To evaluate the nature, complexity and risks of changes to TNMSs, we have used an evolutionary taxonomy and methodology which classifies change according to complexity. The data for the evaluation is based on the changes to the architecture of networks and TNMSs over the past 20 years. We have identified the major dimensions of change, and evaluated how TNMSs have responded to those changes.