8 May 2024
Nokia and Megacable achieve 1.1Tbps Latin American optical transmission speed record
Nokia and Megacable announced today that together they have achieved a Latin American speed record in long-distance optical transmission, having reached 1.1Tbps (Terabits per second) in a single-carrier wavelength transmission over a long-distance fiber network.
- Test validates the planned use of next-generation coherent optics by Megacable to rapidly scale its network capacity
- Next-generation optical network positions Megacable as cutting-edge operator able to provide ultra-broadband connectivity that is critical to business customers and necessary to support accelerated growth of residential users
- Nokia deployed next-generation optical transport solution based on Nokia PSE-6 super-coherent 5nm optics technology and 1830 PSS (Photonic Service Switch) optical transport platform

“We selected Nokia for this trial to prove our network evolution, since our first deployment with Nokia was 9.6 Tbps of total capacity. As part of our technology innovation and evolution program, we agreed with Nokia to set and select the transport routes to perform the trial of their new PSE-6s chipset. It will allow us to increase optical spectrum efficiency, enabling capacities up to 38.4Tbps, as well as cost and power consumption efficiencies over our Optical Long Haul fiber network. Those are the key aspects that we evaluate to cover the requirements of all markets to which Megacable provides connectivity, especially for Fiber High-speed connectivity, dedicated Enterprise links and Carriers-to-Carrier services. The new PSE-6s coherent optics, will allow Megacable to do a fast deployment of ultra-high-capacity wavelengths on the most high-demand routes of our network, and deliver the best connectivity for our customers in Mexico.”