30 Oct 2023
Vodafone and Nokia discuss evolving Vodafone’s network to 5G SA with Cloud Packet Core
The discussion involved deploying Nokia's packet core in three Vodafone markets, technological enablers and challenges for 5G data services, 5G use cases and women in technology

“5G offers versatility, it brings speed latency and multiple connections. The first use case that comes to my mind is FWA which is very useful for customers that are demanding mobility and at the same time not be dependent on sending a technician. to the home so they can build the service anywhere. It brings somehow a seamless experience quite comparable to a fixed service. Some other use cases are a step in safer transport for the Euro platform, and it helps drivers to run safer in a more protected environment when they are commuting it helps riders or pedestrians in a City, for this use case latency is a key fundamental Factor.Many other use cases can be explored in a smart city environment so 5G enables a very large number of users to connect to IOT devices such as water meters traffic lights streetlights recently Ghana has named Vodafone as a leader in the 20223 Garner magic quadrant for managing IOT connectivity Services worldwide.