01 January 2007
An annular-geometry thermoelectric module (TEM) operating in refrigeration mode is analyzed. As in conventional (Cartesian geometry) TEMs, the pellets are interconnected such that current flows through them in series whilst they act in parallel with respect to conduction heat transfer. Current direction is such that Peltier cooling is provided at the inner radius of an annular TEM and heat dissipation is at its outer radius, where a boundary condition of the first kind is imposed. The cross-sectional area of each pellet increases linearly with radius. Accounting for electrical contact resistances at the interconnects, the necessary (one-dimensional) heat-conduction problem is solved to determine general expressions for the cooling rate provided by and coefficient performance of an annular TEM. Maximum cooling flux into an annular TEM and coefficient of performance for cooling fluxes below the maximum value are calculated and compared to those for conventional TEMs. Finally, the benefits of using an annular-geometry TEM are discussed.