Low-Complexity LMMSE Receiver Design for Practical-Pulse-Shaped MIMO-OTFS Systems
01 December 2022
Orthogonal time frequency space modulation (OTFS) scheme establishes reliable communication in a rapidly time-varying wireless channel with a high Doppler spread. We design a low-complexity linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) receiver for practical-pulse-shaped multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-OTFS systems. The proposed receiver exploits the inherent channel sparsity and the channel-agnostic structure of matrices involved in the LMMSE receiver, and has only a log-linear complexity. It provides exactly the same solution, and hence the same bit error rate (BER), as that of the conventional LMMSE receiver with a cubic order of complexity. We also derive, by using the Taylor series expansion and the results from random matrix theory, a tight closed-form approximation for the post-processing signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio (SINR) expression of the proposed receiver. This expression is derived by assuming imperfect receive channel state information. We show using extensive numerical investigations that the derived SINR expression, when averaged over multiple channel realizations, accurately characterizes the BER of a MIMO-OTFS system.