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METIS Deliverable D6.2 Initial report on horizontal topics, first results and system concept

01 April 2014

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The overall purpose of METIS is developing a 5G system concept to fulfil the requirements of the beyond-2020 connected information society and to extend today's wireless communication systems for new usage scenarios. To meet its objectives METIS uses Horizontal Topics (HT) each addressing a key new challenge and identifying new functionalities. This deliverable D6.2 describes the METIS HTs: Direct Device-to-Device Communication, Massive Machine Communication, Moving Networks, Ultra-Dense Networks, and Ultra-Reliable Communication. For each HT a specific concept is presented which is built on integration of relevant Technology Components researched by METIS WPs at this intermediate stage. Finally a first view on the overall METIS concept is given which is based on further integration of the specific HT concepts. D6.2 also indicates next steps for research work on system concept in the remaining time frame of METIS and contains recommendations to METIS test-beds implementations based on the current view on the system concept.