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Mutual Impedance of Grounded Wires Lying On or Above the Surface of the Earth

01 July 1933

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HE previous paper for mutual Tearth formula ofestablished in atothin wires wires lyingtheinthehorizontal impedance any grounded lying on surface of the has now been extended include 1 planes above the surface of the earth and grounded by vertical wires at their four end-points. As before, we assume the earth to be flat, semi-infinite in extent, of negligible capacitivity, of uniform resistivity p, and of inductivity v equal to that of free space. The air is also assumed to be of negligible capacitivity and of inductivity v equal to that of free space. All displacement currents are thus neglected both in the earth and in the air; this is the assumption which is ordinarily made as a first approximation at power frequencies for the shorter transmission lines. By the same general method of derivation as before, the extended formula is found to be: Z l 2 = where f f [ ^dSds'^ ° 0 3 +C S6Mr n h) dd Ss (>> ] > * A brief report of the principal theoretical result obtained in this paper was recently published in the Physical Review (2), 41, 536-537 (August 15, 1932). An error in the formula for N (r), as printed there, should be corrected: in the denominator of the fraction, r- should be r . R. M. Foster, "Mutual Impedance of Grounded Wires Lying on the Surface of the Earth," Bell System Technical Journal, 10, 408-419 (July, 1931); see also Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 36, 367-368 (May, 1930). 264 1 P(r,H,h) = P (r) + P,{r,H + h) - P*(r,H - h), 0 MUTUAL IMPEDANCE OF GROUNDED 2 WIRES 265 M(r,H,h) = Mo(r) + M^rJI + h) - M (r,H -h|), p , , iuv r j S 1 - f ^ r f c i + r » ) ! / » -- M i l r/ W = 47 J ( ; -- L (M + W + M J 1 0 2 ( r 2 + P , M ) = £ [ d log M (r)