Packet Throughput Analysis of Static and Dynamic TDD in Small Cell Networks
01 January 2017
We develop an analytical framework for the performance comparison of small cell networks operating under static time division duplexing (S-TDD) and dynamic TDD (D-TDD). While in S-TDD downlink/uplink (DL/UL) cell transmissions are synchronized, in D-TDD each cell dynamically allocates resources to the most demanding direction. By leveraging stochastic geometry and queuing theory, we derive closed-form expressions for the UL and DL packet throughput, also capturing the impact of random traffic arrivals and packet retransmissions. Through our analysis, which is validated via simulations, we confirm that D-TDD outperforms S-TDD in DL, with the vice versa occurring in UL, since asymmetric transmissions reduce DL interference at the expense of an increased UL interference. We also find that in asymmetric scenarios, where most of the traffic is in DL, D-TDD provides a DL packet throughput gain by better controlling the queuing delay, and that such gain vanishes in the light-traffic regime.