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Pre-industrial PIT conductor and coil development at Alcatel

01 June 1999

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In 1995 the PIT conductor development was strengthened at Alcatel and important progress has been achieved since. During 1997 the patented rectangular Alcatel route was upscaled and pre-industrial conductors have been fabricated in a wire drawing mill. After the successful transfer the first high performance conductors have been realized in kilometer lengths. The conductors are realized in cooperation with Aventis Research & Technologies using precursor powders optimized for the Alcatel conductor route. The simpler Bi-2212/AgPd matrix conductor is used as a working horse where engineering current densities of J(e) = 65 kA/cm(2) have been reached at 4 K, 0 T. Significant progress has also been achieved on Bi-2223 conductors where critical current densities of J(C) = 30 KA/cm(2) at 77 K, 0 T are reached. First solenoids generating a field up to 2.3 Tesla have been realized using Bi-2212 conductors. In a background field of 3 Tesla this magnet still generates a field of 2 Tesla. The results on test coils are consistent with J(c)(H) measurements on short samples showing that an important step towards high homogeneity conductors has been achieved.