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Self-Timing Regenerative Repeaters

01 July 1957

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Pulse transmission systems employing binary codes, such as PCM, have two inherent properties that are desirable from the standpoint of avoiding excessive transmission impairments by noise and other imperfections in the transmission medium. For one thing binary pulse codes permit substantial transmission distortion of pulses within certain tolerable limits with negligible degradation of received signals. For another, regenerative repeaters can be used at intervals along a route to prevent accumulation of transmission distortion of pulses from various sources, so that virtually the entire allowable distortion can be permitted in each link or repeater section. The above desirable properties are secured in exchange for increased channel bandwidth, and can be used to full advantage in applications of binary pulse systems to such transmission media as radio and wave guides, where transmission is at such high frequencies that increased channel bandwidth does not entail increased attenuation. In wire circuits, however, where baseband transmission is the more economical 891