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The AR6A Single-Sideband Microwave Radio System: Radio Transmitter-Receiver Units

01 December 1983

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Radio Transmitter-Receiver Units By R. C. HEIDT,* E. F. COOK,* R. P. HECKEN,* R. W. JUDKINS,* J. M. KIKER, Jr.,* F. J. P R O V E N Z A N O , Jr.,* and H. C. W A N G * (Manuscript received February 7, 1983) This paper describes the essential features and the performance of the AR6A microwave transmitter and receiver. Subsystems that are major contributors to repeater noise are explained in detail. Design objectives for each of these units are given and compared to typical results obtained from measurements. Transmitter linearity was improved substantially through the use of predistortion. The thermal noise contribution of the receiver was reduced by use of a new low-noise microwave preamplifier. I. INTRODUCTION The two basic portions of the A R 6 A f radio bay are the transmitter and receiver units. These units have a natural interface at the Intermediate Frequency (IF)* and are described in the next two sections. In general, the receiver establishes the required noise figure, and provides the required frequency selectivity, automatic gain control, * Bell Laboratories. Amplitude Modulation Radio at 6 GHz for the initial ( A ) version of the system. * Acronyms and abbreviations used in the text and figures of this paper are defined at the back of this Journal. f °Copyright 1983, American Telephone & Telegraph Company. Photo reproduction for noncommercial use is permitted without payment of royalty provided that each reproduction is done without alteration and that the Journal reference and copyright notice are included on the first page.