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The Measurement of Power Spectra from the Point of View of Communications Engineering - Part II

01 March 1958

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The measurement of power spectra is a problem of steadily increasing importance which appears to some to be primarily a problem in statistical estimation. Others may see it as a problem of instrumentation, recording and analysis which vitally involves the ideas of transmission theory. Actually, ideas and techniques from both fields are needed. When they are combined, they provide a basis for developing the insight necessary (i) to plan both the acquisition of adequate data and sound procedures for its reduction to meaningful estimates and (ii) to interpret these estimates correctly and usefully. Tins account attempts to provide and relate the necessary ideas and techniques in reasonable detail. Part / of this article appeared, in the January, 195S issue of T H E B K L L SYSTEM T E C H N I C A L J O U R N A L . PART I -- G E N E R A L DISCUSSION 1. I n t r o d u c t i o n 2. Autocovariance F u n c t i o n s a n d Power S p e c t r a 3. T h e P r a c t i c a l S i t u a t i o n CONTINUOUS RECORDS OF F I N I T E LENGTH 1S7 193 195 197 200 201 204 205 207 211 214 4. 5. (i. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. lfi. 17. 18. 19.