23 Mar 2023
Telia and Nokia discuss the benefits and drivers of Nokia’s 5G Standalone Core and the decisive role cloud packet core plays
Telia appraised Nokia’s role in providing value to Communication Service Providers for its innovative and futuristic approach

“I mean first of all you would need a 5G core to support the true and Trend 5G service so that's the first thing but we also see that this will evolve over time of course the radio needs to reach a lot more coverage and we need to also have a lot more capacity for the 5G, by reforming from old Technologies but looking at and then if I focus on the core I think for the five Decor that is where Innovation will happen going forward. So sooner or later you would need the 5G core so that is also the evolution track and then as an architect I can also be a bit excited over the new service-based architecture API based architecture that will Foster more Automation and openness in the ecosystem as well if you ask me about the services we see the Enterprise Services happening first and also due to that we will not have a Country-Wide coverage so also the Enterprise cases are the most important but eventually we also see custom or consumer-based use cases with for example Advanced gaming with VR and AR or so again it's a long path.”