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NSP Service Fulfillment Design

Course number: OS00101-V-2100

Course duration: 2 days

Price: €1,600

Course overview

This 2-day hands-on course enables the learner to develop a solid theoretical and practical understanding of NSP Intent-Based Service Fulfillment (IBSF) from a planning and design perspective. Discover the concept of Intent-Based Networking and the relationship between service intent types and service intents. Learn to utilize NSP predefined service intent types for off-the-shelf service topologies or use them as a base to create your own customized service intent types. Also, learn how to use the NSP Service Fulfillment application to create service templates that define the relationship between the service offering and the underlying service intent and respective attributes. Understand the integration of the NSP workflow manager for automation. See how workflows are assigned to service templates as automation rules and run upon the success or failure of a particular service fulfillment lifecycle state.  This course is based on NSP version 21.6.

Course objectives

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • Explain NSP service fulfillment evolution
  • Explain the concept of Intent-Based Networking
  • Describe the NSP service management process
  • Describe and demonstrate how the predefined service intent types are used
  • Explain the service fulfillment life cycle


  • Explain the different components of a service intent type
  • Explain the role of the service template
  • Describe and demonstrate how to add network-related and non-network related attributes
  • Describe what a suggest function is
  • Create customized service intents by adding, editing and removing attributes
  • Create service templates that contain workflows
  • Describe and use the RESTConf gateway for service fulfillment

Course modules

Module 1 – Introduction to Intent-Based Service Fulfillment

  • NSP service fulfillment evolution
  • Intent-based networking
  • NSP service management process

Module 2 – Intent-based networking for services

  • Intent types and intents
  • Predefined service intent types
  • Components of a service intent type
  • NSP resource administrator
  • Intent-based service fulfillment lifecycle
  • The role of service templates



    Module 3 – Creating customized service intents

    • Customizing a service configuration form
    • Adding service attributes to a service intent type
    • Adding suggest functions

    Module 4 – Working with associated workflows

    • Adding automation to service fulfillment with workflows

    Module 5 – Working with the RESTConf API for service fulfillment

    • Sample POSTMAN collections for IBSF
    • Using RESTConf API to create a single site EPIPE