Flexible learning options for every learner type
Choose the best format for your style of learning
Regularly scheduled instructor-led courses are available for open enrollment, and self-paced learning provides the course materials you need to succeed.
The Optical Networking Learning Essentials video series is a collection of short, highly informative tutorials based on our instructor-led courses. The content for each video is adapted from the course materials and contains a combination of lectures and demonstrations.
Learn more about Optical Networking Learning Essentials.
Instructor-led training
Get hands-on experience with instructor-led training. Choose from our open enrolment schedule or book a private delivery.
Get started today with industry-leading training delivered by subject matter experts.
Self-paced training
Master essential skills and prepare for exams at the time and place of your choosing.
Get started today with self-paced course materials and web-based training.
My Optical Network Lab
Get 24/7 access to complete the labs from our course materials, prepare for lab exams, or for practice.
Practice your skills in Nokia labs.
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