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Sébastien Bigo graduated from the Institut d’Optique Graduate School (1992) in France, and a PhD degree in physics (1996) for. In 1993, he joined Nokia Bell Labs (Alcatel Research & Innovation at the time), while a student with University of Franche Comté. After his phD on all-optical processing and soliton transmission, he studied high-capacity WDM transmission systems, demonstrating 30 record experiments in a row, at 10Gbit/s, 40Gbit/s, 100Gbit/s and 400Git/s channel rates. His recent research interests have expanded to automated, dynamic, elastic optical networks. He is currently heading of the IP and Optical Networking Research Group. He has authored and co-authored more than 350 journal and conference papers, and 42 patents.
Dr Bigo is Bell Labs Fellow (2012), IEEE Fellow (2017). He received the General Ferrié Award (2003) from the French ICT Society, the IEEE/SEE Brillouin Award (2008), two Chéreau-Lavet Inventor-Engineer Awards (2010 and 2017) and the IMT Grand Prize of the Academy of Science of France (2017).
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