SReXperts learning offers
October 31 - November 1

SReXperts 23 Americas
Shangri-La, Singapore

Special attendee learning offers
Visit the learning and certification demo and take advantage of exclusive free offers, demo our learning labs, learn more about our certification programs, and plan your learning and certification path. Our special attendee learning offers include the following:
Get free self-study materials - Choose any one of our self-study materials during the registration process so you can be ready to pass any of our IP exams during our free online exam period. You can also get another set of self-study materials by visiting the Learning & Certification demo.
Free certification exams and exam voucher – Schedule and take free written exams from our IP networks certification programs online from Tuesday, October 31st to Tuesday, November 21st. You can also get a free exam voucher that is valid for one year. Stop by the Learning and certification demo on-site to learn more.
Learning Labs (remote lab access) – Get free access to MySRLab, My DCF Learning Labs, or My NSP Learning Labs remote lab services to practice your hands-on skills or prepare for lab exams.
Contact us
Event management
Karen Whitaker
M: +49 171 305 1967
Hotel reservation and registration
Conference Works
M: +61 613 9870 2611
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See our 2023 sponsorship program for more information.