Dr. Räisänen received the M.Sc. degree in theoretical physics from the University of Oulu in 1992, and Ph.D. degree in technical physics from the Technical University of Helsinki, in 1998. He is currently Research Manager at Nokia Bell Labs, Finland, leading a team focusing on cognitive edge architectures. He is the author of two books and a co-editor of a third one. He has contributed to more than two dozen unique patent families and comparable number of research articles. His research interests include AI/ML, service and network management, and Quality of Service in B5G / 6G Digital Service Provider (DSP) and private networks. Over a career of more than 20 years at Nokia, he has also experience on customer consulting, system development, and product development.
- V. Ziegler, H. Viswanathan, H. Flinck, M. Hoffmann, V. Räisänen and Kimmo Hätönen, 6G architecture to connect the worlds, IEEE Access 8, 2020.
- V. Vartiainen, D. Petrov and V. Räisänen, Creating trust in automation in intent-based mobile network management, Proc. ICIN, 2020.
- H. Tang, K. Stenberg, V. Räisänen and J. Kylliäinen, Avoidance of improper configuration based on self-operation, Proc. NOMS, 2018.
- K. Apajalahti, E. Hyvönen, J. Niiranen and V. Räisänen, Combining ontological modelling and probabilistic reasoning for network management, J. Ambient intelligence and smart environments 9, 2017, pp. 63 ff.
- V. Räisänen, Information and knowledge in telecommunications: a service-dominant view, Proc. annual SRII conference, 2012.
- U. Koivukoski and V. Räisänen (editors), Managing mobile services, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- V. Räisänen, Implementing service quality in IP networks, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- V. Räisänen, Service quality support – an overview, Computer communications 27, 2004, pp. 1539 ff.
- E. Seppälä, V. Räisänen and M. Alava, Scaling of interfaces in brittle fracture and perfect plasticity, Phys. Rev. E 61, 2000, pp. 6312 ff.
- System and method for applying operatibility experiences across different information domains 12/25/2019
- Coordination between self-organizing networks 9/13/2017
- Method and network element for implementing policies in a mobile network 1/25/2017
- Distribution of data processing 8/23/2012
- Network method, system and element to authorize a data transmission. 4/16/2008
- Method and apparatus for quality of service (qos) measurement 7/25/2007
- Method for the construction and execution of a distributed workflow in a communication system 5/10/2007
- Programmable scheduling for ip routers 10/26/2005
- Traffic control in an ip based network 6/9/2005
- Flow labels 11/11/2004
- Routing data packets in a compressed-header domain 5/4/2004
- Quality of service monitor 11/26/2003
- Quality of service monitor 10/8/2002
- Fifo buffer with output rate adjusting 7/1/2002
- A device and method for controlling a stream of data packets 7/1/2002
- A method and system for managing quality of service by feeding information into the packet network 1/30/2002
- A method and system for managing quality of service by feeding information into the packet network 1/30/2002
- Emulating of information flow 8/20/2001
- Method and a device for timing the processing of data packets 8/9/2001
- Real-time traffic shaper with keep-alive property for best-effort traffic 1/22/2001
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