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Professional Services for Mobile Backhaul

Get full value from your mobile backhaul network


Our Professional Services for Mobile Backhaul offering is designed to ensure that you make the right technology and topology choices. We work with you to select a strategy for a comprehensive, capable and programmable anyhaul transport solution. We will develop an architecture to minimize your costs and deliver security, reliability, scale, QoS, and operational efficiency.

Our professional services experts will help you evaluate your business case and build the plan that works best for you. We use proven methodologies to speed time to market and simplify the transformation of your macro cell and small cell mobile transport networks.

Business analysis and consulting

  • Financial and technical analysis
  • Economic modeling and business case development

Design and architecture

  • Analysis of architectures and service demand
  • Analysis of traffic volume, traffic patterns, and QoS needs
  • Solution architecture definition
  • Evolution strategy with risk analysis
  • High-level and low-level design

Integration and validation

  • Interoperability testing
  • Integration assurance
  • Performance and reliability validation
  • Secured field integration


  • Engineering and installation of equipment
  • Configuration and provisioning
  • Management of third-party suppliers
  • Acceptance

Post-launch support

  • Performance analysis
  • Management of backhaul capacity

Benefits and features

Optimizes TCO with expert analysis

  • Analysis of TCO provides the information required to optimize mobile backhaul network architectures for small cells and macro cells
  • CAPEX and OPEX modeling tool helps identify the right business case – one that minimizes OPEX

Applies proven expertise and tools to mobile backhaul network design

  • Design and optimization experts identify the best technology mix for your small cell and macro cell backhaul networks
  • Design tools built on Bell Labs algorithms facilitate the development of an efficient backhaul strategy for your small cell and macro cell networks
  • Simulations of traffic growth and its impact on the backhaul network yield the most effective plan to support this growth

Uses analytic models to ensure a consistent QoS

  • Experts assess the end-to-end backhaul network performance on all links using a mix of traffic profiles to model network and QoS behavior
  • Detailed reports provide insights into key metrics, including average packet delay, jitter, and packet loss
  • Analysis supports optimum end-to-end network availability by determining the path availability for different scenarios and identifying weak links

Related solutions and products


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IP Anyhaul

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Optical Anyhaul

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