Nokia Optical Network
Design Expert Lab Exam
Exam number: ONDE-LE
Price: €650
Exam overview
The Nokia Optical Network Design Expert (ONDE) Lab Exam is a 3.5 hour practical exam that tests a candidate’s ability to design optical networks based on the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) and 1830 Engineering and Planning Tool (EPT).
To register, you must have successfully completed all the prerequisite exams shown below. The lab exam is held virtually and at select Nokia locations globally. Nokia will not be responsible for any travel costs incurred.

Exam details
Exam name: Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam
Exam number: ONDE-LE
Mandatory prerequisites:
- Nokia Fundamentals of Optical Network Design (4A0-250)
- Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design (4A0-255)
Exam duration: 3.5 Hours
Number of questions: Practical Exam
Language: English
Price: €650
Exam preparation
Relevant certifications
What to expect in the lab exam
Exam delivery
Exam name: Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam
Exam number: ONDE-LE
Mandatory prerequisites:
- Nokia Fundamentals of Optical Network Design (4A0-250)
- Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design (4A0-255)
Exam duration: 3.5 Hours
Number of questions: Practical Exam
Language: English
Price: €650
Candidates can use the following self-paced or instructor-led options to prepare for the lab exam:
- Use the self-study materials with My Nokia Optical Lab to complete the exercises or for general practice
- Attend the following instructor-led hands-on courses:
What to expect on the Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam
The Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam is a 3.5 hour practical exam that tests a candidate’s ability to design optical networks based on the Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) and 1830 Engineering and Planning Tool (EPT).
To register for the Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam, candidates must have successfully completed the following prerequisite written exams:
- Nokia Fundamentals of Optical Network Design (4A0-250)
- Nokia Advanced Optical Network Design (4A0-255)
Exam topics
Exam topics are summarized below. Candidates should be able to perform all tasks, understand all topics and work with all features. However, it is possible that some topics are not covered in the exam.
- Optical network design using 1830 EPT
- Traffic matrix analysis
- Configuration of optical node types (FOADM, ROADM, ILA, etc.)
- Manual modifications to automated EPT designs, including:
- Routing
- Span and link configurations
- Network Element (NE) configurations
- Shelf composition and card organization
- Design of CWDM and DWDM networks
- Traffic grooming and cascading
- Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
- Protection and Restoration, including:
- Diverse path
- Dual homing
- Guaranteed Restoration (GR)
- Source-based Restoration (SBR)
- Protection and Restoration Combined (PRC)
- Availability and cost calculations
- Availability-guaranteed design
- Optical Transport Network (OTN) hierarchy
- Encryption
- Synchronization
- Latency minimization
- Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio (OSNR) margin requirements
- Quality of Transmission (QoT) guaranteed design
- Coherent and non-coherent transmission, and guardband
- Dispersion compensation requirements, and equipment selection
- Raman amplification
- Regeneration
- Forward Error Correction (FEC)
- EPT import and export features
- EPT reports, including commissioning file creation
Exam notes and tips
During the exam, candidates will be allowed to access soft copies of the product manuals for reference. The product manuals will be accessible from the PC used for the exam equipment. No other notes, textbooks, course materials or reference materials are allowed during the exam. Electronic devices, including cell phones, are not allowed in the examination room. Candidates will be provided with pen and paper during the exam.
The Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam focuses on the engineering challenge of designing an optical network to meet certain specific requirements. The design task may be split into sub-tasks or steps. In order to pass the exam, the candidate must achieve an overall score of 80%. The candidate must have an adequate level of hands-on experience with the design process and the EPT tool to maintain a reasonable pace during the exam to ensure that all required tasks can be completed within the allotted time.
Below are some tips to help candidates successfully prepare for and pass the Nokia Optical Network Design Expert Lab Exam:
- Ensure that you completely understand and are familiar with all of the topics in the student and lab guides of the recommended ONC courses found in the exam preparation tab. This will help you to become more comfortable with the lab exam material.
- If you are unclear about anything in the exam, ask the proctor for clarification. The exam proctor will attempt to clarify anything that may be ambiguous. Do not expect the proctor to provide other information during or after the exam.
- Be sure to allow yourself adequate time to verify your work at each part of the exam.
- Save your work often. Your exam mark will be based on your final submission.
- Relax and read each instruction and requirement very carefully. Be thorough in your work but remember to pace yourself appropriately.
Lab exams are delivered virtually or at select Nokia locations. To take the exam virtually, you must meet the system requirements below, or you can visit our lab exam registration page to view available locations for in-person delivery.
Virtual system requirements:
- A webcam
- A microphone
- A single monitor (only one monitor is allowed)
- Minimum 4 Mbps end-to-end internet connection (a wired network connection is preferred)
- Windows 10.0
- Microsoft Edge 11.0
- 60 GB of free hard disk space
- 12 GB of RAM (6GB dedicated allocated memory for VMPlayer)Administrative privileges on the PC
- Hardware virtualization support at CPU level on the PC (Intel VTx)