PSE-3 family: Taking light to the limit
200G Compact and 600G Super-Coherent optics for metro and long-haul applications
The Nokia PSE-3 family of coherent Photonic Service Engines (PSE) powers our core optical network solutions that include high-capacity transponders, packet-optical switches, and disaggregated compact modular platforms for data center interconnection (DCI).
The PSE-3 family includes both PSE-3 Super Coherent (PSE-3s) optics, optimized for maximum capacity-reach up to 600Gb/s per wavelength across all applications, from metro to subsea, and the The PSE-3 Compact (PSE-3c), optimized for low-power scaling of access, metro and regional networks up to 200Gb/s per wavelengths.
What is Probabilistic Constellation Shaping?
The PSE-3s implements the industry’s first Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS), a new and powerful algorithm used in coherent modems that maximizes the capacity of the optics in all applications, and delivers the ultimate in wavelength performance at any distance.
The performance and capacity of coherent optics can be maximized using a variety of technologies and algorithms. One can increase coherent modulation order of the digital signal processor (DSP) for example, from QPSK to 16QAM to 16QAM, which in this example leads to 2x increase in wavelength capacity in each case. Other techniques include sophisticated high-gain Forward Error Correction (FEC) and Nyquist filtering, for example.

Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS) algorithms adds a powerful new tool to coherent DSPs.
The use of PCS adds an important additional optimization tool that unlocks the ability of the coherent optics to continually adjust the modulation order by shaping the coherent constellation so that the maximum number of bits can be transmitted for any given optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) on the fiber span.
Typical coherent geometric constellations transmit data across all constellation points with equal probability, which creates discrete and rigid steps in how capacity-reach performance can be optimized. In contrast, PCS finely adjusts the data rate by using a distribution matcher implemented in silicon, which sends data to constellation points with the best performance more frequently, allowing the optimal performance to be achieved on any span. Compared to solutions that operate at discrete modulation formats, this enables the PSE-3s with PCS to continually achieve the highest capacity-reach on any link, in any application.

Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS) shapes the coherent constellation to transmit the most bits where signal strength is higher, to provide the highest capacity per wavelength on any link.
PSE-3 Super-Coherent Optics
Our PSE-3 Super-Coherent (PSE-3s) coherent optics maximize capacity-reach performance for use in metro, regional, long-haul and subsea applications. The PSE-3s is implemented across our optical transport platforms including the 1830 PSI-M compact modular disaggregated transponder platform, the 1830 PSS integrated WDM/transponder family, and the 1830 PSS-x P-OTN switches, for use in core network applications.
Operating at up to 67 Gaud speeds, PSE-3s implements the industry’s first implementation of PCS. Dual PSE-3s DSPs can be interconnected to enable scalable high-capacity coherent optics supporting up to 600Gb/s per wavelength, or up to 1.2Tb/s in a single line-card.
The PSE-3s is optimized for use in 75GHz WDM channel spacings over highly flexible CDC-F wavelength switched networks, enabling high spectral efficiency operation.

PSE-3 Compact optimized for Metro-Regional network scaling
The PSE-3 Compact (PSE-3c) is an ideal choice for scaling network capacity up to 200Gb/s per wavelength in access, metro, regional and long-haul networks.
Operating at 33Gbaud the PSE-3c is optimized for low power consumption and small form factor, and supports operation at 100Gb/s and 200Gb/s per wavelength, depending on distance.

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