Transaction reporting
Under the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (“MAR”), members of the Nokia Board of Directors and the Group Leadership Team, as well as persons closely associated with them, are required to follow these instructions for reporting transactions with financial instruments linked to Nokia.
We kindly ask you to report the transaction(s) as soon as possible after the transaction was executed, and in no case later than two (2) business days to Nokia, and three (3) business days to the Financial Supervisory Authority ("FIN-FSA").
Information requested on the form: |
Nokia Corporation’s LEI number |
549300A0JPRWG1KI7U06 |
Nokia share’s ISIN code in Nasdaq Helsinki and in Euronext Paris |
FI0009000681 |
Nokia ADRs ISIN code |
US6549022043 |
Notification reference |
generated automatically (no need to fill in) |
Reporting to Nokia
- Please send the form as an email attachment, not by post due to the short timeline, to the following address: nokia.transactions [at]
- Please also provide your phone number in case Nokia needs to contact you regarding the form.
Reporting to the FIN-FSA
- Please notify the FIN-FSA via electronic service here at
- Please note that the use of electronic service requires strong user identification. If you don’t have a Finnish identity number for identification, please choose the link: "I do not have a Finnish identity number" under the electronic service to identify yourself through the FIN-FSA email registration.
In case of any problems please contact us through nokia.transactions [at]
Nokia is required to publish the information provided to it as a stock exchange release no later than two (2) business days from receiving the notification of the transaction(s).

List of financial instruments in scope of the obligations
The below list of financial instruments is provided for reference only and as the definition of ‘financial instrument’ in the Market Abuse Regulation is very broad, persons discharging managerial responsibilities as well as persons closely associated with them should not rely on this list as exhaustive or definitive, but familiarize themselves with the applicable laws and regulations, and with point (a) of Article 19(1) of MAR and with point (15) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU in specific.
- Nokia’s shares, listed in Nasdaq Helsinki and Euronext Paris;
- Nokia’s American depositary shares, evidenced by American depositary receipts, listed in New York Stock Exchange;
- Nokia’s debt instruments;
- Derivatives linked to Nokia shares or debt instruments;
- Other transferable Nokia securities;
- Money-market Nokia instruments;
- Units in collective investments undertakings, in case Nokia’s weighing is more than 20%;
- Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to Nokia securities, interest rates or yields or any other derivative instruments, financial indices or financial measures;
- Derivate instruments for the transfer of credit risk and involving Nokia;
- Financial contracts for differences.
List of transactions in scope of the obligation
- acquisition, disposal, short sale, subscription or exchange;
- acceptance or exercise of a stock option, including of a stock option granted to managers or employees as part of their remuneration package, and the disposal of shares stemming from the exercise of a stock option;
- entering into or exercise of equity swaps;
- transactions in or related to derivatives, including cash-settled transaction;
- entering into a contract for difference on a financial instrument of the concerned issuer or on emission allowances or auction products based thereon;
- acquisition, disposal or exercise of rights, including put and call options, and warrants;
- subscription to a capital increase or debt instrument issuance;
- transactions in derivatives and financial instruments linked to a debt instrument of the concerned issuer, including credit default swaps;
- conditional transactions upon the occurrence of the conditions and actual execution of the transactions;
- automatic or non-automatic conversion of a financial instrument into another financial instrument, including the exchange of convertible bonds to shares;
- gifts and donations made or received, and inheritance received;
- transactions executed in index-related products, baskets and derivatives, insofar as required by Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014;
- transactions executed in shares or units of investment funds, including alternative investment funds (AIFs) referred to in Article 1 of Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (4), insofar as required by Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014;
- transactions executed by manager of an AIF in which the person discharging managerial responsibilities, or a person closely associated with such a person has invested, insofar as required by Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014;
- transactions executed by a third party under an individual portfolio or asset management mandate on behalf or for the benefit of a person discharging managerial responsibilities or a person closely associated with such a person;
- borrowing or lending of shares or debt instruments of the issuer or derivatives or other financial instruments linked thereto.
In case Nokia Corporation has been identified as ‘a closely associate person’ of a person discharging managerial responsibilities in your company, please send the related notification to nokia.transactions [at]
More information on regulation applicable to persons discharging managerial responsibilities, as well as persons closely associated with them, can be found on the FIN-FSA website.

Reported transactions
Reported transactions can be found in our Newsroom.